Our attorneys can assist you if you’re facing drug possession charges.
If you’re facing drug possession charges in the Birmingham, Alabama area, you might feel overwhelmed with the situation, unsure of how you should proceed. Drug possession charges can carry a wide range of potential consequences, ranging from fines and probation to incarceration, depending on the type and amount of substances you had. The good news is that our experienced legal team at Lopez Rubio Abogados can help you navigate the legal system and provide you with the sound services you deserve.
Even if you’re facing minor drug possession charges, it’s important to understand that certain drug charges come with mandatory minimum sentences. This means that, if you were found in possession of certain substances, you may be required to serve a period of time in prison. Working with a knowledgeable local law firm is your best chance at avoiding jail time and safeguarding your freedom.
Being found guilty of drug possession can also have long-lasting ramifications throughout your lifetime. If you are convicted of a drug crime, that information will likely remain on your personal record permanently, which can make it much more difficult to find steady employment, apply for a loan, or purchase firearms. If you want to prevent a drug possession charge from altering your life for good, contact our local firm as soon as possible.
We strive to offer convenient, hassle-free consultations for clients. Whether you’d like to meet with us over Zoom, over the phone, or in person, we’d be happy to accommodate your preferences. We’ll take the time to listen carefully to your side of the story, and if you’d like us to provide ongoing support, we’ll begin working on your case right away.
Contact us today to learn more or schedule a consultation.