Slip and Falls, Birmingham, AL

We can help victims of slip and fall incidents get the compensation they deserve.

Slip and falls can range in severity, causing anything from a minor bruise to broken bones. If you have recently experienced a slip and fall in the Birmingham, Alabama area, you may be wondering what your legal options are. Fortunately, our experienced attorneys at Lopez Rubio Abogados have helped many clients navigate the complex legal system after slip and falls, and we’d be honored to have the opportunity to assist you.

Slip and Falls in Birmingham, Alabama

When you schedule a consultation with our team, we’ll take the time to listen carefully to your side of the story and answer any questions you may have along the way. If we determine that you have enough evidence to file a claim or lawsuit, we’ll explain the different options to you and help you decide if you’d like to take legal action. If you think our team is the right fit for your unique needs, we’ll begin working on your case right away, starting with gathering evidence.

When we work on cases regarding slip and falls, it’s crucial to investigate the location where the incident occurred. We may ask for witness statements, surveillance footage, incident reports, and other items that can back up your claim. If your slip and fall occurred on a business property, we’ll carefully determine if the property manager is responsible for your accident. Once we establish liability and have proof of the incident, we may gather evidence through your medical records, such as treatment for injuries sustained after the fall.

Slip and falls can have long-lasting side effects for individuals, and you shouldn’t feel like you need to suffer on your own. To learn more about our legal services or schedule a consultation, please reach out to us today.